Could you provide examples of prime numbers and constitute numbers and why they are what they are? 


Brittany post

Natural numbers are common number that are positive integers and are used for counting. For example, (1,2,3,4, 5.) represents a set of natural numbers. There are two types of numbers that differ based on the number of factors they have; those numbers are known as prime and composite numbers. Factors are values that can divide a number evenly meaning there is no remainder. A prime number can only have two factors, 1 and itself, for example 2 is a prime number because its only factors are 2/1 and 2/2. Composite numbers on the other hand can have two or more factors, meaning it can be divided by 1, itself, and at least one other number. For example, 4 is a composite number because its factors are 4/1, 4/2, and 4/4. 

Jessica post

A natural number is only a positive whole number and does not include zero. A natural number starts at one and goes to positive infinity. When using natural numbers and making them sets, the letter N is often used to represent the set of natural numbers. For example: N={1,2,3,4,5,…}. A prime number is a natural number that is greater than one and can only have two factors that consists of 1 and itself. Some prime numbers are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17 and 19. A composite number is a natural number greater than one. Composite numbers has at least one factor other than one and itself. Some examples of composite numbers are 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18 and 20. The difference between a prime number and a composite number is based on the number of factors.


Marlerys post

Motivating employees for safety is a great idea to some extent. It can be good and productive because employees can feel empowered to be equipped and embrace the knowledge they need to maintain the work environment as a safe place. While receiving rewards of any kind, everyone will mostly do what they suppose to do. The complaint rate may go down, and the employees work as a good to achieve a goal or complete an assignment on the same matter. The Potential positive consequences can be that safety will enhance. Using competition and motivation tools can lead employees to perform the best they can, become the winner in any safety situation, and always try to exceed expectations. On the other side, the negative potential to motivate employees for safety through rewards, motivation, or any additional incentive can lead the organization to be costly in the long run. It can create some envy between the workgroups. In addition, those who do not get rewards may be jealous of the winning group, and with time enmity may arise due to envy. 

Natasha post

I think that there are a lot of good ways to show incentives for safety. I mentioned that I work for a hospital and we have many incentives for safety. Every floor, with every patient has a chart that shows how many patients is the hospital, that weren’t labeled as “fall risk” fell and there is no prize or reward for having none…just the acknowledgement that your team did their job very well on a graph. The reward for/from this is knowing that you (as a team, group, person) watched over everyone and made sure that you did your job. Job satisfaction is an award in of itself.

We have another program where if anyone sees something amiss and fixes it they get a safety star. The reward is literally a metal star that you poke into your badge and you get a certificate for it. Again, there is no monetary value, but you have the honor of that star and you can get many stars. I got a safety star for telling a visitor that they cannot walk the hallways with PPE on. As soon as anyone leaves the patients room you are supposed to take off the gown, gloves and wash your hands. Even if it’s just for a second. When i received that star i felt rewarded because not everyone has one. It was like getting an “A” on a report card. In the eyes of the person who saw/heard me correct the visitors I saved others from contracting the disease that the patient they were visiting had.

Awards and rewards come in many forms. Since I love the work I do and the reasons that I do it, I am more than compensated with receiving something as simple as a metal pin to place on my badge. It is a badge of honor to me.


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Some companies offer incentives for safety, such as financial rewards or other prizes for the work group with the best safety record.

  • What do you think of this idea?
  • What are the potential positive consequences?
  • Are there potential negative consequences?

Explain your responses.

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