Please answer each question/prompt with at least 3 complete sentences.

Chapter 6 PowerPoint

     Explain the three main sources of data that e-marketers use to address research problems.

     Explain the how and why e-marketers need to check the quality of research data gathered online.

     Explain why the internet is used as a contact method for primary research and describe the main internet-based approaches to primary research.

Chapter 7 PowerPoint

     Describe the internet exchange process and the technological, social/cultural and legal context in which consumers participate in this process.

     Explain the broad individual characteristics, psychology, and consumer resources that consumers bring to the online exchange.

     Explain the five main categories of outcomes that consumers seek from online exchanges.

Chapter 8 PowerPoint

     Explain the characteristics of the three major markets for e-business.

     Explain why and how e-marketers use market segmentation to reach online customers.

Chapter 9 PowerPoint

     Explain product and describe how it contributes to customer value.

     Explain how attributes, branding, support services, and labeling apply to online products.

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