Through this case study you will send as many invoices as you can, accurately, in 10 minutes

To complete the practical:

Setup a free fake gmail account that you can use to send emails from.

Download Zoom (free) and create a meeting for yourself.

Once you are ready to begin the exercise, set a timer for 10 minutes, start the meeting, record, and share your screen.

Once your 10 minutes are up, end the meeting (your recording will convert), save and send your project as a video file (a common format being mp4) 

Task: Sending invoices via email 

Send as many invoices via email as possible, while maintaining a high level of accuracy. You can change the sheet however youd like as long as the data in the columns with the green heading does not get altered. 

Review the Client List document. This will serve as your work queue. You should send one email for each clients appointment dates, and all invoices should be sent oldest to newest.

Send all invoices via email using the following format:

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