Develop/discuss a Microsoft Project Gantt chart detailing the tasks/subtasks, dependencies, resources for the project. Ensure you have an adequate number of tasks/subtasks for the project. Ensure task/subtasks names are appropriate, dependencies make sense, timeframes make sense, milestones, etc as your build out your project schedule Gantt chart. Must submit the actual MS Project file.


What Is a Gantt Chart?

A Gantt chart is a diagram that combines nested lists, bar charts, and timelines. Typically, a list of tasks appears on the left of the chart. A project timeline, usually showing days or weeks, spans the rest of the chart to the right of the task list. In this way, the Gantt chart offers an overview of the sequence of tasks, critical task dependencies, and overall project duration.

A Gantt chart is commonly used in project management because it can easily show activities such as tasks and their dependencies in relation to time. Advanced software components and modern web technology enable project managers to generate dynamic Gantt charts. 

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