STATEHOOD (New Progressive Party or Partido Nuevo Progresista) PNP A) Citizenship Status–consider what would happen without U.S. citizenship or the advantages of maintaining benefits of U.S. citizenship. Possible dual citizenship. B) National Defense–consider U.S.A. military bases; Vieques Island; strategic position; how to defend the nation without the U.S.; concept of blood tax. C) Political Aspect–consider the political ties with the U.S.A.; representation in U.S.A. government and/or in the world as a (non)sovereign nation (United Nations, embassy, etc.); multipartisan or unipartisan government if Puerto Rico becomes independent; status as territory of U.S.A.; colony; constitutions of each. Consider referenda on political status. D) Language/Cultural Issues–consider what happened/would happen to Puerto Rico–its language and culturepreservation/loss; can use Hawaii and Alaska or other states or countries as examples. E) Economics/Industrial Base–consider what the U.S.A. contributes to Puerto Rico in terms of aid, programs, etc.; current debt crisis; its (created) dependency on the U.S.; consider an alternate survival plan; consider trade opportunities. F) Moral/Ethical/Philosophical Issues–consider the morally ‘correct’ reasons for your stance on Puerto Rico’s future and the morally ‘wrong’ reasons of the other viewpoints; consider the major historical figures in your party and what they believed in; philosophical or ideological issues of freedom and survival. GUIDELINES: 1) Look for information in the BC Library online: articles and U.S. Congressional records of the status/referenda of Puerto Rico; books, encyclopedias, journals, government documents, party documents, newspapers, magazines; informed political/community activists; and Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueos (Center for Puerto Rican Studies): and For assistance with research related questions, our Library Liaison is Prof. Beth Evans; she can be reached at [email protected]. 2) The speech/paper should be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12 font size lettering. Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri styles are best. Number your pages. There should be a minimum of 3 full pages and a maximum of 6 pages of content (excluding bibliography). Papers that do not meet the minimum requirements will be returned and points deducted from the grade upon resubmission. There should be an introduction, body, and conclusion to your speech, which is to be written as a persuasive speech. You will speak in the first person as a Puerto Rican from Puerto Rico and as a representative of your assigned political party. ASSIGNMENT CONTINUES BELOW 3) Organize the speech/paper in the following manner: Opening Statement/Intro.: This should contain who you are, what political party and which political status you are representing, as well as the issue you will be focusing on. These should all be clear. Body: a) This should contain at least a few paragraphs arguing why your political party and status is the right one for Puerto Rico, focusing on the issue you were assigned. You may borrow from other issues to help strengthen your argument, but you must go back to the main issue. Use the academic sources you identified to help you with this. You may also use the partys online website to assist you, but you must give credit to them in the paper via references/in-text citations and in the bibliography. b) Then you should proceed to argue against each of the other two political parties/statuses in separate paragraphs, still focusing on the issue you were assigned (and, if needed, borrowing from other issues to help make your point). Use the academic sources you identified to help you with this. You may also use the partys online website to assist you, but you must give credit to them in the paper via references/in-text citations and in the bibliography. Closing Statement/Conclusion: This should summarize why the political party and political status you are representing is the best option for Puerto Rico in terms of the issue you focused on. In other words, summarize why those listening to your speech should vote for your party/political status. Bibliography: at least 3 academic sources (see #6 below) 4) Do your own original writing. To avoid plagiarism and cheating, refer to the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity, which may be downloaded from:; the BC Library website has additional resources–video on paraphrasing: Papers will be checked for plagiarism. Avoid it at all costs; take pride in your own original work. 5) Make sure you have in-text citations at the end of paragraphs where needed or after a direct quote/use of statistics–{for example–(Prez y Gonzlez 2011: 1853)}. In other words, (author’s last name(s) year of publication: page #). An in-text citation is the easiest form of giving credit where it is due. However, footnotes at the bottom of the page where needed or endnotes (same as footnotes except they are all on the same page in numerical order just before the bibliography) can also be used so long as they adhere to a standard format. Use only very short direct quotes and ensure they are in quotation marks. Use either the ASA, APA, or Chicago Manual Style format. 6) You should have a bibliography/list of references, which serves as the last page of your report, indicating the sources you used. It should be alphabetized according to authors’ last name(s). Use this format as an example Prez y Gonzlez, Mara E. 2011. Puerto Ricans. In Ronald H. Bayor, ed. Multicultural America: An Encyclopedia of the Newest Americans. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood, An Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC. In other words, Authors last name(s), First name. Year published. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher. Other standard formats are also permitted. You should have at least three academic sources. Newspaper articles may be used as additional sources. Avoid Wikipedia or any -pedia sites. Tourist sites are not academic sources but may be used as extra sources beyond the academic ones, but only if useful for statistical/cultural purposes. For internet sources, provide all of the information possible plus the hyperlink and the date you accessed the site. Please use a standard bibliographical format, which can be found on the BC Library website: Use either the ASA, APA, Turabian, or Chicago Manual Style format. 7) Remember, you must do your own original work in your own wordsparaphrase. It must be your own analysis, interpretation, and understanding with only sporadic usage of short quotes/citations (1-2 sentences) to assist you. Make certain to see notes # 3-5 above. 8) This is a persuasive speech and should be written in the first person, using I, etc. You must know the advantages (which you will argue and try to convince others about as well as the disadvantages (which you will argue against while you are trying to persuade others you are right). Try to think about what your opponents might say and make sure you have an answer/a solution for any problem they might present. Directly counter the positions of the other two parties. The idea is to cover all of your tracks. Do not leave yourself open for an attack or for doubt about your position being the best one for Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans (both on the island and in the U.S.A.). 9) GRADING: This is worth 30% of your overall course grade. You will be graded on: CONSISTENCY (8%)–whether you address your specific issue from your political stance; whether your argument was consistent with your assigned party and issue; CONTENT (12%)–the quality of the content of information (facts, sources, in-text citations, and bibliography/references), coherence of arguments; and the STRENGTH (10%) of your argument against the other two parties and their positions. 10) You are responsible for the future of Puerto Rico and its people everywhere. Your position provides the best most just solution. Your job is to ensure the reader believes you, even if you do not believe in it yourself. Do not let your true feelings be revealed. Be a politician or a lawyer for a brief moment in time! Your target audience is the people of Puerto Rico, and you want them to vote your way. Critical thinking is key. Use your creativity. Start early. Make this a meaningful learning experience.
Due date: Monday, April 25, 2022 by 9 am via email with subject line _Your Last Name_First Name in a Word document (not PDF) titledYour Last Name_First Name. Please do not lock/protect your document as I will be making comments and grading your assignment; otherwise it will be returned to you.

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