QUT Business School

School of Accountancy

AYN443 – Electronic Commerce Cycles


MYOB Assignment

(Weighting Total – 20%)

Due Date: 7th October 2016 by mid-night

Type: Individual

Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Technical Skills (KS)

1.2 Demonstrate and apply integrated and advanced discipline and professional

practice knowledge, including knowledge of relevant research principles and methods.

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HO)

2.1 Critically investigate real world business issues and problems drawing on

analysis, evaluation and synthesis of discipline knowledge, including theory and


Assessment Purpose

This assignment is an individual assessment assessing your learning from the MYOB

tutorials and Pabst & Perrin text by completing the February transactions and end of

month processing. Accuracy of accounting information is important and the marking

will be based on correct entries.

Submission Requirements:

1. Upload your MYOB data (.myo) file and PDF versions of your reports to


2. Enter the $ amounts from specified accounts online at the time of submission

3. Upload your Process Map report to Blackboard

Late Assessment and Extensions

If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can

apply for an extension. Application for an extension must be received by the due

date. If you don’t have an extension submit the work you have completed.

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