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175 – 265 words

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Jennifer Haddad Connell

6/8/22, 7:17 AM

Hello All:

With professional licensing there is a responsibility to earn continuing education credits per licensing board specifications. Business leaders should consider and plan for professional development and continuing education for health care professionals. Walsh (2015) presents a positive correlation between the worth of professional development and its high costs, as well as its importance in securing a work force.

Since it’s costly for a health care entity to provide professional development, and since education is mandatory to support licensed health care workers, then let’s think about benefits that are reaped. When a business absorbs the cost of professional training, then the result is an educated work force that can put into practice what’s been learned. The expectation is increase quality.

Class: When a business covers the cost of continuing education for licensed staff, what are some ways that (in addition to supporting license renewals and a compliant work force) benefits of the education might be experienced? How might higher quality be measured; as dollars are spent on workers’ professional development does quality within the organization increase proportionally and how might this be measured? Can you think of some examples?

Walsh, K. (2015, July 4). Labour economics and healthcare professional education. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI). https://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=4&sid=28899c33-d37e-4745-a4d1-61a568150082%40sessionmgr4006

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